We deliver your finished part on time, to spec, at a competitive price. Our 35,000 square foot full-service facility houses over 40 presses with a maximum bed width of 48 inches, length of 96 inches, and maximum blanking capacity of up to 400 tons. With over 40 years of experience, J.B. Stamping can produce just about any part you may need.
Metal Forming

Short Run Stampings
Short Run utilizes cost-saving single-hit tooling. This department produces parts using a blanking capacity of 10 to 190 tons. Small prototype runs as well as medium runs are most economically produced by Short Run.

Long Run Stampings
Long Run utilizes progressive tooling, minimizing the cost of each part produced. This department produces parts using a blanking capacity of 45 to 400 tons. Mass quantity production is the focus of Long Run. We can supply your parts with many types of industrial finishes and perform on-site assembly and packaging functions.

Cut to Length, Shearing, and Blanking
J.B. Stamping can process your material whether it be cutting to length, shearing, or blanking.